May 1, 2003
New regulations go into effect in time for start of school in September
Governor Mitt Romney and Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey today applauded the state Board of Education for approving new regulations for the implementation of the English immersion law when school starts in September.
Romney, standing with supporters of last fall’s English immersion ballot question, which was overwhelmingly approved by voters, also warned lawmakers against tampering with the law.
“The voters have spoken loud and clear on the issue of bilingual education. We need to respect the wishes of the people of Massachusetts and recognize that immersion creates a level playing field in our classrooms that allows non-English speakers to succeed,” Romney said.
The new law requires that all non-English learners, unless they receive a waiver, be enrolled in sheltered English immersion classrooms for at least one year. In these classes, virtually all instruction will be in English, and all books and instructional materials will be in English. Once the students are deemed fluent in English, they will receive instruction in traditional classrooms alongside their native English-speaking peers.
This represents a dramatic change from the existing transitional bilingual education system in which limited English proficient students are placed in bilingual education classrooms for up to three years. In these classes, they are taught English, but learn every other subject in their native language as they gradually gain English proficiency.
“Bilingual education has led to the establishment of two school systems in Massachusetts – one for children who speak English and another for non-English speakers,” said Healey.
Supporters of the law urged lawmakers to follow the voters’ wishes and not attempt to water down the law.
“Don’t insult the intelligence and abilities of our young immigrant children by forcing them to return to the same second-rate bilingual education program that has failed to help them,” said Lincoln Tamayo, former chairman of English for the Children, which spearheaded the passage of last year’s ballot initiative.
This week, the Board of Education adopted regulations to fully implement Question 2, which was passed overwhelmingly by the voters last November. Beginning in September, school districts across the Commonwealth will be required to offer immersion programs to non-native speakers.
Among the regulations:
Teachers of English language learners must obtain a license to ensure they have expertise in second language acquisition and knowledge of appropriate subject matter.
District superintendents need to provide annual written assurance to the Department of Education that all teachers of English language classrooms are literate and fluent in English.
Each district must develop procedures to identify students who are English learners and assess their level of English proficiency when they enter the district.
In addition, the Board issued a draft regulation to establish a dispute resolution process on the local and state level that parents must exhaust before filing a legal claim. Romney said this regulation will make it harder for parents to sue teachers, a provision of the law that he opposed.
For more information on Question 2 or to read the regulations, look online at
Supporters of English Immersion
Stephen Adams
President & CEO
Pioneer Institute
Maria Baquero
Parent that formally worked with Chelsea High School
Engs Co
Framingham Post Office
David Driscoll
Commissioner of Education
Michael Glickman
Director Special Projects
SABIS Educational Systems
Margaret Kramer
Head of Lower School
Community Day Charter School
Tom McDermott
Managing Director
TPM Associates
Maria McDermott
Active Volunteer
Kyle Meleski
Director of Public Affairs
Associated Builders & Contractors
Attorney Michael Moriarty
Law Office of Ducharme, Moriarty,
& Turcotte
Pete Peters
Founding Chairman
Pioneer Institute
James Peyser
Board of Education
Rosalie Porter
English for the Children
David Rodriguez-Pinzon
Economic Development Finance Corp.
Rep. Mary Rogeness
(R) Longmeadow
Christine H. Rossell
Boston University
Professor of Political Science
Carol Sanchez
Resources Connection
Maria Santiago
Grant Thornton
Roberta Schaefer
Member of the Board of Education & Executive Dir. Worcester Regional Research Bureau
Dean Doug Sears
Boston University
School of Education
Ray Stata
Analog Devices (Norwood)
Lincoln Tamayo
Former Chairman
English for the Children
Abigail Thernstrom
Member of the Board of Education & Commission on Civil Right
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