
Do you support a tamper-proof work status ID card

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago
  • Moderator: Governor Romney , I think -- are you with him on that, a tamper-proof ID card?


    • Romney **: Absolutely. I had the occasion, as you know, following the great disaster on 9/11, to help organize the Olympic Winter Games, bring people from all over the world together in Salt Lake City, organize the first national special security event following that tragedy, and brought together law enforcement from all over the country, coordinated them in a way that we could communicate with each other.


There's no question as we deal with the issue of immigration, having a national special card that indicates a person's name, date, birth date, biographic information, and an indication of their work status will allow us to know who's here legally, who's not, who can work and who cannot.




And by the way, the national ID card -- that's for aliens, not for citizens.



  1. Romney won the first debate (click to see reasons to agree and disagree).


Questions for Governor Mitt Romney from the 1st debate:


  1. What do you dislike most about America?
  2. Would it be a good day for America if Roe v Wade was repealed.
  3. Have you always been for life or effectively pro-choice?
  4. When you said that being a pro-life president entails more than just appointing strict constructionist judges, was that directed at Giuliani?
  5. Should Scooter Libby should be pardoned?
  6. Which current cabinet official would you keep?
  7. Would it be good for America to have Bill Clinton back living in the White House?
  8. Are you embarrased of your health care program?
  9. Should we be in Iraq when the American people do not victory is possible?
  10. Do you support a tamper-proof work status ID card?
  11. Should Congress have acted in the Terri Schiavo case?
  12. Is it worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars to get Osama?
  13. Should we change our Constitution to allow foreign born citizens to become president?
  14. What do you say to bishops who deny Communion to elected officials who support abortion rights?
  15. Do you accept Huckabee's statement that he wasn't talking about you?
  16. Will you expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research?
  17. What tax would you like to cut?

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