
Feb 23, 2007

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Governor Mitt Romney on the Current Environmental Debate

Friday, Feb 23, 2007


Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement on the current environmental debate:


"Governor Mark Sanford is right. Unfortunately, some in the Republican Party are embracing the radical environmental ideas of the liberal left. As governor, I found that thoughtful environmentalism need not be anti-growth and anti-jobs. But Kyoto-style sweeping mandates, imposed unilaterally in the United States, would kill jobs, depress growth and shift manufacturing to the dirtiest developing nations."


"Republicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore. Instead of sweeping mandates, we must use America's power of innovation to develop alternative sources of energy and new technologies that use energy more efficiently."


Romney slams Democratic opponents at South Carolina event

By: Scott Helman

The Boston Globe

Friday, Feb 23, 2007

"Returning to the Bible Belt city that helped launch his presidential maneuverings two years ago, Mitt Romney used an appearance before key Republicans here last night to talk tough on Iran and his potential Democratic opponents.


"He called on New York State – home to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner – to divest its pension funds from companies linked to Iran and sent letters to New York's lawmakers, asking the state to disinvest public funds from any companies 'providing financial support to the Iranian regime or linked to Iran's weapons programs and terrorist activities.'


"Romney's rhetoric on Iran seemed designed to paint himself as a strong voice on national security and to provoke Clinton, whom Romney has hammered for advocating engagement with the Iranian government as a means of preventing it from developing nuclear weapons.


"'You don't want to reward bad behavior,' Romney said to more than 600 people at the Spartanburg County GOP's annual President's Day banquet. 'We want to squeeze the pressure on that country and get them on the right track.'"




"Romney's wife, Ann, played a particularly prominent role last night, as Romney made a special effort to highlight the fact that he's been married to the same woman for almost 40 years. 'She's been the person behind me all my life,' Romney said."




"Iran has become, in recent weeks, a focus of Romney's foreign policy remarks. Last month, in addressing a security conference in Herzliya, Israel, he called for tighter sanctions and more isolation. He also helped set up a meeting last month between Massachusetts State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill and Benjamin Netanyahu, former prime minister of Israel, about the possibility of the Bay State divesting its pension funds from companies doing business with Iran.


"Last night, Romney also targeted Democratic candidate John Edwards and again singled out Clinton for criticism, saying her view toward Iran showed 'a lack of understanding.'


"'We don't want to give a signal of support or accomplishment to someone like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,' said Romney."


Romney slams Democratic opponents at South Carolina event

By: Scott Helman

The Boston Globe

Friday, Feb 23, 2007

"Returning to the Bible Belt city that helped launch his presidential maneuverings two years ago, Mitt Romney used an appearance before key Republicans here last night to talk tough on Iran and his potential Democratic opponents.


"He called on New York State – home to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner – to divest its pension funds from companies linked to Iran and sent letters to New York's lawmakers, asking the state to disinvest public funds from any companies 'providing financial support to the Iranian regime or linked to Iran's weapons programs and terrorist activities.'


"Romney's rhetoric on Iran seemed designed to paint himself as a strong voice on national security and to provoke Clinton, whom Romney has hammered for advocating engagement with the Iranian government as a means of preventing it from developing nuclear weapons.


"'You don't want to reward bad behavior,' Romney said to more than 600 people at the Spartanburg County GOP's annual President's Day banquet. 'We want to squeeze the pressure on that country and get them on the right track.'"




"Romney's wife, Ann, played a particularly prominent role last night, as Romney made a special effort to highlight the fact that he's been married to the same woman for almost 40 years. 'She's been the person behind me all my life,' Romney said."




"Iran has become, in recent weeks, a focus of Romney's foreign policy remarks. Last month, in addressing a security conference in Herzliya, Israel, he called for tighter sanctions and more isolation. He also helped set up a meeting last month between Massachusetts State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill and Benjamin Netanyahu, former prime minister of Israel, about the possibility of the Bay State divesting its pension funds from companies doing business with Iran.


"Last night, Romney also targeted Democratic candidate John Edwards and again singled out Clinton for criticism, saying her view toward Iran showed 'a lack of understanding.'


"'We don't want to give a signal of support or accomplishment to someone like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,' said Romney."


Romney slams Democratic opponents at South Carolina event

By: Scott Helman

The Boston Globe

Friday, Feb 23, 2007

"Returning to the Bible Belt city that helped launch his presidential maneuverings two years ago, Mitt Romney used an appearance before key Republicans here last night to talk tough on Iran and his potential Democratic opponents.


"He called on New York State – home to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic front-runner – to divest its pension funds from companies linked to Iran and sent letters to New York's lawmakers, asking the state to disinvest public funds from any companies 'providing financial support to the Iranian regime or linked to Iran's weapons programs and terrorist activities.'


"Romney's rhetoric on Iran seemed designed to paint himself as a strong voice on national security and to provoke Clinton, whom Romney has hammered for advocating engagement with the Iranian government as a means of preventing it from developing nuclear weapons.


"'You don't want to reward bad behavior,' Romney said to more than 600 people at the Spartanburg County GOP's annual President's Day banquet. 'We want to squeeze the pressure on that country and get them on the right track.'"




"Romney's wife, Ann, played a particularly prominent role last night, as Romney made a special effort to highlight the fact that he's been married to the same woman for almost 40 years. 'She's been the person behind me all my life,' Romney said."




"Iran has become, in recent weeks, a focus of Romney's foreign policy remarks. Last month, in addressing a security conference in Herzliya, Israel, he called for tighter sanctions and more isolation. He also helped set up a meeting last month between Massachusetts State Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill and Benjamin Netanyahu, former prime minister of Israel, about the possibility of the Bay State divesting its pension funds from companies doing business with Iran.


"Last night, Romney also targeted Democratic candidate John Edwards and again singled out Clinton for criticism, saying her view toward Iran showed 'a lack of understanding.'


"'We don't want to give a signal of support or accomplishment to someone like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,' said Romney."



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