Issues / Combating Nuclear Terrorism
Iran is seeking nuclear weapons.
Reasons to agree
- Iran has a virtually inexhaustible supply of clean natural gas for energy, but yet the French and Russians are building nuclear reactors for them. I wonder why?
- Iran has refused offers from us to supply nuclear fuel for their power. I wonder why?
- We should help threatened Islamic states with public schools, micro-credit and banking, the rule of law, human rights, basic health care, and competitive economic policies.
- We must not allow a nuclear-9-11.
- We must not allow a nuclear Pearl Harbor.
- We should take Ahmadinejad at his word.
- We should tighten economic sanctions against Iran.
- We should isolate Iran diplomatically.
- We need to communicate to the Iranian people the dangers of being nuclear capable.
- We should not assume that Iran will act responsibly when they have the bomb.

Obama and Iran
Governor Mitt Romney and Iran
Governor Mitt Romney and Iran News
- George Stephanopoulos
- Does the president have the authority he needs to take military action against Iran?
- Bill O Reilly
- Would you go to war if the Iranians say, we're going to develop a nuclear weapon, you can't stop us?
- Tom Bevan
- Would Iran acquire nuclear weapons under a Romney administration?

In The News
My Thoughts on Mitt Romney and Iran
- Mitt Romney was right to denounce Khatami’s visit to Harvard, decline to provide escort or other state support for his trip.
- Mitt Romney is right to call on the UN's International Court of Criminal Justice to charge Iranian President Ahmadinejad with "inciting genocide."
Quotes from Mitt Romney on Iran
"Someone else considering a run for the White House recently addressed the Iran issue, and you won't be surprised to find out that I don't agree with her approach.
"In a speech last night in New York City, Senator Hillary Clinton said that she needs to quote 'understand' unquote Iran better – and to help her with her education process, that we should quote 'engage Iran' unquote.
"Friends, someone who doesn't understand Iran hasn't been paying attention – at this point, we don't need a listening tour with Iran. While I support gathering intelligence about our adversaries in any way possible, engaging is not the right policy. To the contrary, economic and diplomatic isolation must be our priority.
"Indeed, she argued that our strategy of engagement with the Soviet Union during the Cold War was a model for how we could deal with Iran. Now, for all the former Soviet Union's flaws, at least they maintained a commitment to national survival. They were not suicidal. The same cannot be said about the Iranian regime. And we must stop making analogies that are disconnected from the world in which we operate.
"And someone who wants to engage Iran displays a troubling timidity towards a terrible threat."
In an interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on February 17, he characterized Iran as "a genocidal nation, a suicidal nation, in some respects."
"Well," replied Romney, "it's a nation where people participate in suicide bombing and that kind of a suggestion, I think it was former President Rafsanjani who talked about Israel being a one-bomb nation, meaning they could not survive one bomb, but they, Iran, could survive one bomb. It's like, 'Are you kidding? Are you suggesting that you'd be willing to take a bomb in order to eliminate another people?' This is a nation where the genocidal inclination is really frightening and having a nation of this nature develop nuclear weaponry is unacceptable to this country and to the Middle East."
Mitt Romney Press Releases on Iran
Video of Romney on Khatami
For each issue we'll track reasons, interest, webpages, and books, that agree & disagree with Obama.

Obama is wrong
- on immigration,
- about Republicans
- on driver's licences and social services for illegal immigrants,
- on partial-birth abortion,
- on parental notification,
- on affermative action,
- on the new-deal,
- on the cap and trade auction system,
- on private accounts for social security,
- on the Program Assessment Rating Tool Bill
- on the ownership society,
- on Cuba
- on the surge in Iraq

Obama is Right:
- about race
- about the Confederate flag
- to expand the United States Armed Forces
- on his approach to abortion debate,
- on PayGo
- on his approach to parenting,
- on tax havens
- to challenging "so called leaders of the Christian Right" for being "all to eager to exploit what devides us",
- to support civil unions,
- to oppose gay marriage,
- to reach across the isle for common ground on abortion,
- to try to bring more educated english speaking people to America,
- to give the director of National Intelligence a fixed term independent of Presidential control,
- to provide tax incentives for corporate responsibility
Also see info about Mike Huckabee & Rudy Giuliani
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