
King of Gimmick

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

Huckabee wants our constitution to change in the following ways and has promised to fight for them if President:


1) Human Life Amendment (HLA)


2) Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA)


3) Income Tax Repeal Amendment (so he can do his Fair Tax)


4) End to Birthright Citizenship Amendment (oops, maybe he's backtracking on that one http://washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080109/NATION/992492919/1001&template=printart )


Still . . . campaigning on getting 3 or 4 constitutional amendments passed is more than just a bit "pie in the sky", eh? He would use up all of his political capital even TRYING to get one done (and probably wouldn't accomplish it anyways). There has never been a time in our nation's history when 3 or 4 constitutional amendments have passed within a 4 year period. Plus, there has only been 1 constitutional amendment passed in the last 37 years (and that was on the earth-shattering issue of congressional pay raises). Something's telling me that Huck's not a very realistic person, and is just saying what he needs to say to get his base to elect him.


Mitt would push for the MPA, has said he would sign a HLA but is not pushing for it (he thinks overturing Roe v. Wade is the first and realistic step in the realm of abortion and said our nation "isn't there yet" as far as passing a HLA), and wouldn't do the last two listed there. Mitt's a lot more practical and pragmatic than the charlatan Huck.

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