Mitt Romney is the most conservative of the viable 08 candidates

There is only one questions for republicans to ask with regard to 2008: who is the most conservative of the viable 08 candidates? I think the answer is obvious: Mitt Romney. Please help me brainstorm reasons to agree and disagree.


Mitt Romney is the most conservative of the viable 08 candidates.

Reasons to agree

  1. Romney is more conservative than Rudy Giuliani.
  2. Romney is more conservative than John McCain.
  3. Romney is conservative on abortion.
  4. Romney is a conservative on abstinence education.
  5. Romney is a conservative on English immersion.
  6. Romney is a conservative on schools.
  7. Romney is a conservative on school choice.
  8. Romney is a conservative on the media.
  9. Romney is a conservative on marriage.
  10. Romney is a conservative on the family.
  11. Romney is a conservative on abstinence education.
  12. Romney is a conservative on ESL.
  13. Romney is a conservative on taxes.
  14. Romney is a conservative on debt.
  15. Romney is a conservative on the war on Terror.
  16. Romney has stood up to teacher's unions.
  17. Romney is the only top-tier candidate that will defend the traditional family.



Reasons to agree:

  1. Sam Brownback is viable.
  2. Duncan Hunter is viable.


Also See:

  1. Romney is a conservative