
Mitt Romney


Willard Mitt Romney (b. March 12, 1947) is the 70th Governor of Massachusetts. He is currently in his first term as Governor, serving until 2007. He has stated he will not seek re-election in 2006. Romney also serves as the chairman of the Republican Governors Association and honorary chairman of The Commonwealth Political Action Committee.


Before becoming Governor, Romney rose to prominence in an unsuccessful 1994 campaign against Senator Ted Kennedy and as CEO and organizer of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.


Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has been widely recognized for his leadership and accomplishments in the worlds of both public service and private enterprise.



Education Reformer




Life Experiences


Why I support Mitt

Political Campaigns


Team Romney


Ten Issues America Must Address to Remain The Economic and Military Superpower


1. Raising the Bar on Education:

Today’s schools are falling further and further behind world standards. It is time to raise the bar on education by making teaching a true profession, measuring progress, providing a focus on math and science, and involving parents from the beginning of a child’s school career.


2. Extending Health Insurance to All Americans:

The health of our nation can be improved by extending health insurance to all Americans, not through a government program or new taxes, but through market reforms.


3. Stopping Runaway Spending:

The Federal government must stop its borrowing and spending binge. The debt is a burden on our economy, our currency, our foreign policy, and our future. This is beyond pork barrel spending. We must address entitlement programs – not just to save money – but to give Americans confidence in their future.


4. Getting Immigration Right:

Immigration has been an important part of our nation’s success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America.


5. Achieving Energy Independence:

We must become independent from foreign sources of oil. This will mean a combination of efforts related to conservation and efficiency measures, developing alternative sources of energy like biodiesel, ethanol, nuclear, and coal gasification, and finding more domestic sources of oil such as in ANWR or the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).


6. Simplifying the Tax System:

America’s tax code is a labyrinth that imposes an enormous and unnecessary burden on our citizens and employers. Keeping taxes low and simplifying the code will grow the economy and enhance our competitiveness.


7. Investing in Technology:

Our national investment in technology comes from both the private and public sector; however corporations today spend more on tort liability than they do on R&D. While the government already invests heavily in defense, space and health technologies, it is time to invest substantially in technologies related to power generation, nanotechnology, and materials science.


8. Defeating the Jihadists:

The defeat of this radical and violent faction of Islam must be achieved through a combination of American resolve, international effort, and the rejection of violence by moderate, modern, mainstream Muslims. An effective strategy will involve both military and diplomatic actions to support modern Muslim nations. America must help lead a broad-based international coalition that promotes secular education, modern financial and economic policies, international trade, and human rights.


9. Competing with Asia:

China and Asia are on the move economically and technologically. They are a family oriented, educated, hard-working, and mercantile people. We must be ready and able to compete. This means ensuring our children are educated to compete in this new market, our trade laws are fair and balanced, and our economy and tax laws welcome new investment. If America acts boldly and swiftly, the emergence of Asia will be an opportunity. Trade and commerce with these huge new economies can further strengthen our economy and propel our growth. If America fails to act, we will be eclipsed.


10. Affirming America’s Culture and Values:

Affirming America’s Culture and Values: American values are at the heart of America’s historic rise to world leadership. These include, among others, respect for hard work, sacrifice, civility, love of family respect for life, education and love of freedom. To remain a superpower in the world we must continuously and vigorously reaffirm these key components that have led to America’s greatness as a country.


Press releases












We should copy and paste press releases from mitt romney's massachusets website and enter them into the blogosphere.


Reasons to agree

  1. they may go away, when he is no longer Governor of Massachusetts.
  2. in his book, turnaround, he wished that newspapers would use more of the olympic committee's press releases.
  3. press releases from Governor Mitt Romney are some of the only first hand words from Governor Mitt Romney that we have. We have his books, speeches, and press releases.
  4. we shouldn't worry about copying. The whole purpose of press releases is so that people can copy.
  5. the state of Massachusetts does not allow people to respond and talk about the press releases. This site allows more stuff