Romney learned many things in the private sector

Romney learned many things in the private sector.

Reasons to agree

  1. You learn how to meet a pay role in the privet sector.
  2. You learn that you need to give the owners of the company their return on investment.
  3. You learn that either you do well or you get passed by your competitors, and run out of business.
  4. Romney learned about leadership. In the private sector, in business, and then the olympics.
  5. Romney learned about managment.
  6. Romney learned how to pick a great team.
  7. Romney learned how to motive his team.
  8. Romney learned how to learn from analysis which course he should take.
  9. Romney learned how to set a stratigy.
  10. Romney learned how motivate people to follow the stratigy.
  11. Romney learned how to achieve results.
  12. Romney learned how to set a stratigy.