
Strengthening Latin American Allies and Confronting Tyrants

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It is time for the United States to adopt a Latin American strategy that will strengthen human rights and freedom, stand by our friends and allies, advance our own interests, and weaken the threat of the Castro regime, Chavez, and any other dictator with the intent of taking away the freedom of people.


CHALLENGE: In two years, we will note a sobering occasion – a half century will have passed since darkness descended 90 miles to our south, and a despotic reign fell over the proud people of Cuba.


The Castros have a new tyrant to work with and he has great wealth, from oil. We must stand just as firm against tyrants like Hugo Chavez, tutored by Fidel Castro. His methodical assault on democratic institutions and his people's freedom is an insult to democracy itself. We should all be particularly troubled by the government’s hostility towards a free press and actions to take Radio Caracas Television off the air. In addition, developments in Bolivia and elsewhere show the potential of Chavez's malignant form of tyranny to spread to other countries.



GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "There are two spheres of influence in the Western Hemisphere. One is dark, bellicose and spreads misery by denying people basic freedoms; the other shines like a powerful light, is peaceful and wants only for its people to live in liberty and prosper." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Miami-Dade Lincoln Day Dinner, 3/9/2007)



The Romney Plan: It is time for the United States to adopt a Latin American strategy that will strengthen human rights and freedom, that will stand by our friends and allies, that will advance our own interests, and that will weaken the threat of the Castro regime, Chavez, and any other dictator with the intent of taking away the freedom of people.


Continue To Isolate Castro With Economic And Diplomatic Sanctions. America will never back down to the Castro brothers. There will be no accommodation, no appeasement. There will be no end to our insistence that political prisoners are set free, and that Cubans themselves are finally given the privileges that today are enjoyed only by Castro’s cronies, and by foreign tourists. After 50 years, with so much suffering, so much sacrifice, we will not relent until the day when the Castro brothers meet their ignominious end and their history is written among the world’s most reviled despots, tyrants and frauds.


Help Our Friends. Foreign aid and foreign investments must be focused on those who stand alongside us. In spite of great progress over the last few decades, tens of millions in the Western Hemisphere still live in poverty. United States aid and investment programs promote transparency and the economic and political reforms needed to spur development.


Act To Inform Public Opinion In Latin America. We should use our world renowned media and communications savvy to spread the truth about American freedom, and Castro tyranny. New strong-men ('caudillos') must not reverse the Hemisphere's hard fought economic and political freedoms. The United States and our partners in the region must continue to reject the policies of leaders such as Venezuela's Hugo Chavez that move to consolidate power, limit dissent and revert to failed socialist policies.


Improve Our Economic Ties. The President has negotiated vital free trade agreements with Latin American neighbors like Peru, Colombia and Panama, but some Democrats in Congress are so beholden to their labor bosses, that they have refused to pass them. It is time to put the interests of humanity and of the nation first.


Rebuild Relationships Of Respect And Trust And Friendship. Our Latin American friends must always feel welcome in the White House.


Solve The Problem Of Illegal Immigration By Securing The Border And Reaffirm Our Appreciation Of Legal Immigration. We are a nation of immigrants, and they have contributed a great deal to our culture of hard work, entrepreneurship, faith in God, love of family, and respect for human life.


Never Ignore Latin America. It is a great deal easier to prevent a crisis than to solve one. Since the end of the Cold War and since the terror of 9/11, America has become so preoccupied with other regions that we have forgotten our friends in our own Hemisphere. We need robust cooperation to expand opportunities in the Hemisphere and address common threats such as drug trafficking and terrorism.


GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Through the Internet, TV, Radio Marti and other Miami radio stations that broadcast into Cuba we know that word of news and events here in the U.S. gets back to Cuba. To this daily flow of truth I would like to add my message to your own. America will never back down to the Castro brothers. There will be no accommodation, no appeasement. There will be no end to our insistence that political prisoners are set free, and that Cubans themselves are finally given the privileges that today are enjoyed only by Castro's cronies, and by foreign tourists." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Miami-Dade Lincoln Day Dinner, 3/9/2007

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "These are troubling times in Venezuela, as Hugo Chavez continues his methodical assault on democratic institutions and his people’s freedom. I am particularly troubled by the government's hostility towards a free press and recent actions to take Radio Caracas Television off the air. There should be no doubt that the United States stands with those men and women of good will who step up to secure their God-given liberty – in Venezuela and throughout the Americas. The future of freedom and democracy in our Hemisphere also requires the friends of freedom in Latin America to speak clearly and forcefully to defend liberty, democracy and human rights." (Governor Mitt Romney, Statement On Venezuela's Independence Day, 7/05/2007

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "It is time for the United States to adopt a Latin American strategy that will strengthen human rights and freedom, that will advance our own interests, and that will weaken the threat of the Castros and Chavez." (Governor Mitt Romney, Statement On Venezuela's Independence Day, 7/05/2007

Strengthening Latin American Allies and Confronting Tyrants

    1. We should try to strengthen human rights in South America.
    2. We should try to strengthen freedom in South America.
    3. We should weaken the threat of the Castro regime.
    4. We should weaken the threat of the Chavez regime.
    5. We should use foreign aid and investments on those who stand alongside us.
    6. We should act to inform public opinion in Latin America.
    7. We should improve our economic ties with Latin America.
    8. We must rebuild relationships of respect, trust, and friendship with Latin America.
    9. We must secure our border.
    10. We must reaffirm our appreciation of legal immigration.
    11. We must never ignore Latin America.


Also See:




Immigration has been an important part of our nation's success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America.


  • "We need to make America more attractive for legal immigrants -- for citizens -- and less attractive for illegal immigrants. I want to see more immigration in our country, but more legal immigration and less illegal immigration."
    • Governor Romney, AP, June 23, 2006 


Related Links



We must secure our borders first, and then reform immigration policy


Governor Mitt Romney's Immigration Policy


Press Releases, Quotes, Speeches, and Videos from Mitt Romney about Immigration organized by year







  • 12-13-2006, Agreement permits specially trained State Troopers to enforce federal immigration law



Immigration Questions for Governor Mitt Romney

  1. Are you in favor of a fence? Greta Van Sustern
  2. Do you support a tamper-proof work status ID card? 1st Debate




Mitt Romney Illegal Immigration Quotes




  • “The voters have spoken loud and clear on the issue of bilingual education. We need to respect the wishes of the people of Massachusetts and recognize that immersion creates a level playing field in our classrooms that allows non-English speakers to succeed,” Romney said.




  • “For generations of immigrants, learning English has been the key to unlocking the American Dream,” said Romney. “My proposal will give thousands more the opportunity to achieve success for themselves and their families.”




  • “The scope of our nation’s illegal immigration problem requires us to pursue and implement new solutions wherever possible. State Troopers are highly trained professionals who are prepared to assist the federal government in apprehending immigration violators without disrupting their normal law enforcement routines.”


  • "It's one more thing you can do to make this a less attractive place for illegal aliens to come to work."
    • Governor Mitt Romney, “Romney Wants State Troopers to Arrest Illegals”, 06-21-2006, Yvonne Abraham & Scott Helman, The Boston Globe


  • "The current system puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders...and increase legal immigration into America."
    • Governor Mitt Romney


  • "There's only one condition on getting your Ph.D. here in the U.S. and that is: You leave as soon as you get it," he told New Hampshire Republicans gathered for their annual convention. "Let me tell you, you get a Ph.D. here in one of our great institutions, I want you to stay. . . . It makes no sense that we put up a big concrete wall against those who have education and skills but our doors have been wide open to people that have neither."
    • Governor Mitt Romney


  • "Immigration has been an important part of our nation’s success. The current system, however, puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically enabled, tamper proof documentation and employment verification system, and increase legal immigration into America.
    • Governor Mitt Romney's PAC


  • "The current system puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders...and increase legal immigration into America."
    • Governor Mitt Romney


Gov. Mitt Romney visits Columbia, South Carolina and speaks on immigration and more at local dinner


Gov. Mitt Romney visits Columbia, South Carolina


Romney vetoed a bill in 2004 that would have allowed illegal immigrants to obtain in-state tuition rates at state colleges if they graduated from a Massachusetts high school after attending it for at least three years and signed an affidavit affirming that they intended to seek citizenship. Romney vowed to veto the bill again if it ever made it to his desk, arguing that the bill would cost the state government $15 million and that the state should not reward illegal immigration. In 2005, the bill was reintroduced to the House, backed by Representative Marie St. Fleur. The in-state immigrant tuition bill was brought to another vote on January 11, 2006 and was overwhelmingly defeated by a total of 96-57 . Romney applauded the decision.



We need:


  1. Strong border and internal enforcement and security;
  2. An enhanced, fair and workable employee verification system that eliminates the burden and uncertainty of the current workplace enforcement system;
  3. A temporary worker program that enables willing foreign workers to be matched with participating employers to meet increasing workforce needs;
  4. Provisions that will allow undocumented workers to earn legal status so that they can continue to remain in the workforce.


An enthusiastic supporter of legal immigration, Mr. Romney not only opposes illegal immigration, but he told National Review that he is also "against an amnesty and against anything that provides an incentive for people to come here illegally." - http://washtimes.com/op-ed/20060314-095241-8553r.htm






An Interview with Michelle Malkin

Dad was interviewed earlier today by Michelle Malkin for HotAir.com on sanctuary cities and other immigration issues. Here's the audio via YouTube:



Part 2

Hot Air's Michelle Malkin interviews Gov. Mitt Romney about immigration, sanctuary cities and the campaign for the presidency.



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