Americans are stupid.
Reasons to agree:
- What sells is not always good. (+5)
- Vinila Ice was popular.
- What we want is bad for us (+1).
- Only stupid people would think anything about Paris Hilton is important (+4) but Paris Hilton is popular.
- Many Americans are proud of their lack of education.
- Jersey Shore
- In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than it is in Japan.
- In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than China.
- In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than Germany.
- In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than India.
- Many American youth do not feel they need to work as hard as youth in other countries.
- Many American youth do not take advantage of educational opportunities that people from other countries would kill for.
- To be trully stupid, you have to have great access to knowledge but not use it. Americans have great access to knowledge.
- The shows that Americans make seem to celebrate our stupidity.
- Homer Simpsons is an idiot.
- Mot Guys on TV shows are idiots.
- Al Bundy was an idiot.
- Tim the Tool Man was an idiot.
- It was stupid to elect Richard Nixon over George Romney.
- Al Gore, George W. Bush, and John Kerry were not good presidential candidates.
Reasons to agree:
- There are stupid people everywhere.
- Our stupidity means very little unless it is compared to the stupidity of other people.
- Other countries pay for more of their education, so our stupidity isn't always our choice.
- In order to determine if Americans are stupid, you need more than anecdotal evidence.
- Anecdotal evidence proves nothing
- The fact that we produce shows about stupid Americans doesn't mean all Americans are stupid.
- Bill Gates
- Sergio Brin
- Americans invented the TV
- Americans invented the computer
Score: +14 (reasons to agree), -10 (reasons to agree), +5 (10/2, reasons to agree with reasons to agree) = +9
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