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We are stupid

Page history last edited by Mike 12 years, 7 months ago

Americans are stupid.

Reasons to agree:

  1. What sells is not always good. (+5)
  2. Vinila Ice was popular.
  3. What we want is bad for us (+1).  
  4. Only stupid people would think anything about Paris Hilton is important (+4) but Paris Hilton is popular. 
  5. Many Americans are proud of their lack of education.
  6. Jersey Shore 
  7. In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than it is in Japan.
  8. In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than China.
  9. In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than Germany.
  10. In American youth culture it is worse to know about Math or Science than India. 
  11. Many American youth do not feel they need to work as hard as youth in other countries.
  12. Many American youth do not take advantage of educational opportunities that people from other countries would kill for. 
  13. To be trully stupid, you have to have great access to knowledge but not use it. Americans have great access to knowledge.
  14. The shows that Americans make seem to celebrate our stupidity.
    1. Homer Simpsons is an idiot.
    2. Mot Guys on TV shows are idiots.
      1. Al Bundy was an idiot.
      2. Tim the Tool Man was an idiot.  
  15. It was stupid to elect Richard Nixon over George Romney. 
  16. Al Gore, George W. Bush, and John Kerry were not good presidential candidates.  


Reasons to agree:

  1. There are stupid people everywhere.
  2. Our stupidity means very little unless it is compared to the stupidity of other people. 
  3. Other countries pay for more of their education, so our stupidity isn't always our choice.
  4. In order to determine if Americans are stupid, you need more than anecdotal evidence.  
  5. Anecdotal evidence proves nothing
  6. The fact that we produce shows about stupid Americans doesn't mean all Americans are stupid.  
  7. Bill Gates
  8. Sergio Brin
  9. Americans invented the TV 
  10. Americans invented the computer 


Score: +14 (reasons to agree), -10 (reasons to agree), +5 (10/2, reasons to agree with reasons to agree) = +9 

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