We need to communicate to the Iranian people the dangers of being nuclear capable
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by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago
Issues / Combating Nuclear Terrorism
We need to communicate to the Iranian people the dangers of being nuclear capable.
Reasons to agree
- Leaders will do what their people want. The Iranian people want the bomb, out of a sense of pride. However, if a bomb goes off in Europe, America, Australia, India, or China, we will all blame Iran. If a bomb goes off in any of these countries, millions of Iranians will die. America is not going to sneak a weapon into a country, and blow it up. We will take responsibility for our actions, and we will not lie about them. It is a scary world, when a country can use it's oil wealth, build or buy a nuclear weapon, sneak it into a country, and destinate it without anyone taking responsibility for it. But the people of Iran need to know, that because their government is funding so much terrorism, and speaking about eliminating Israel, and funding dictators in Syria, and Palestine, they will be blamed. And for good reason.
We need to communicate to the Iranian people the dangers of being nuclear capable
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