We should emphasize math and science.
Reasons to agree
- Our society is one of the few one's that focus so much on the concept of science and math being nerdy.
- China and India are graduating tons of engineers and scientist, and will have the capability to destroy us.
"7% of all statistics are made up on the spot .” - Steven Wright
Beliefs about Mitt Romney and Math
- Governor Mitt Romney would use marketplace principals to reward the best teachers, and teachers with necessary skills in Math and Science.
Governor Mitt Romney Math Press Releases
Governor Mitt Romney, Math Quotes
- “Our Presidential Award nominees set a great example, not only for educators in Massachusetts, but for the nation. Distinguished math and science teachers like these are the critical components of a public education system that will prepare us for the next century, and they deserve to be recognized for their hard work, creativity and dedication.”
- “Given the demands of today’s global economy, it is more important than ever before that our students leave our schools with a solid education in both math and science,” he said. “We are lucky to have such skilled educators in our classrooms.”
- “I believe that our best teachers are underpaid and should be rewarded for the extra effort they bring to the classroom and the results they deliver for our students. Teachers should be compensated according to their ability to produce real results, not solely on the number of years they’ve been on the job. If we want to attract ambitious teachers, we need to treat teaching as a profession."
- Governor Mitt Romney, (January 11, 2006) Press Release
- "I was in high school when Sputnik happened. Russia's lead in space frightened us. It also woke us up. President Kennedy issued a call to boost science and math education, to produce more engineers. His vision: Put a man on the moon. America, as always, rose to the occasion."
Governor Mitt Romney would use marketplace principals to reward the best teachers, and teachers with necessary skills in Math and Science.
John McCain thinks we spend too much money on politics. He is not very good at Math, or Economics. America spend more money on gum than we do on the whole political election cycle, including every political commersial and yard sign.
For schools, Romney praised the success of the Education Reform Act of 1993 for pumping more money into public education and introducing testing as a standard for graduation. He proposed a new Education Reform Act of 2005 with some of the following key features:
- Extending the school day in our most troubled districts with a provision for special help, study hall and sports;
- Paying our best teachers more;
- Providing financial incentives to attract math and science teachers to the teaching profession;
He has also drafted a wide-ranging package of education reforms, including the recruitment of 1,000 skilled math and science instructors, bonuses of as much as $15,000 a year for top-performing teachers, and important new intervention programs for failing schools.
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