
What would you copy from what Bush has done, if anything

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 8 months ago
    • Brian Lamb: What would you copy from what he has done, if anything?


    • Governor Mitt Romney: Well, he’s a great leader and a man of vision. And I think that the most important thing that a president can do is to establish the honor and respect and integrity that is owed the highest office in the land.


And that’s something he promised to do and has done, whether you agree with him or disagree with him on the issues. There is no question that he is a man of vision, character, and knows where he stands.


He is also a person who has brought accountability to education. Now that -- most of education policy happens at the local level, but at the federal level, by passing No Child Left Behind, we are now able to see which schools are succeeding and failing.


And that is ultimately the source of our competitive strength, the ability of our kids to develop the skills to compete over the next century. And that’s something he has done with great energy and passion. And I think that fight has to continue.


And, of course, he has been unwavering in recognizing that what we face from the jihadists is not a band of -- a tiny little band of whackos or terrorists in some mountains in Afghanistan, but instead a very global threat from a very extreme wing of Islam.


As he says, people who have kidnapped a very great religion. And not the whole religion, but a part of it. And he has taken that fight very seriously and has put in place a number of fronts to overcome it and to reject it. And that’s a process which has to be ongoing.

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